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Background Checks

Background checks are an important part of the hiring process, used by employers to determine the identity and character of potential employees, and to help avoid a bad employment experience. Background checks provide necessary information on a person's past employment, education, criminal history and credit rating. This type of check is often used to ensure that job applicants have provided accurate information about their background which allows employers to make informed decisions when it comes to selecting a new hire.


The purpose of a background check is to help employers accurately assess an individual’s character before offering them employment. These checks can reveal if someone has lied on their application or left out pertinent information from their resume. They also provide insight into a person’s work history and any potential legal issues they may have faced in the past, allowing employers to decide whether or not they would be suitable for the position based on this criteria.


Global Defense Investigation has experienced investigators ready to assist with the background check process and provide usable data to make decisions with. Contact us today for more information!


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